Therapy for adolescents & families

In my therapy practice I meet my clients and families where they're at and provide individualized care that is evidence based and trauma informed. I specialize in complex cases including self harm, suicidal ideation, major depression, PTSD, and grief and use my creative arts background and specialized training to adapt treatment to the specific needs and interests of my clients.

Gillian Dreher
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist 153746

Specializes in

Adolescents & families
Family therapy
Self harm & suicidal ideation
Identity & values
Creative arts therapy

Select specialized training

Trauma-Informed Expressive Arts Therapy
Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy
Beat the Odds® Facilitation
Synergetic Play Therapy
DBT for Adolescents
Mental Health First Aid Certified
Specialized training in crisis management
and risk assessment for adolescents

Currently practicing through Alameda County Eden Children's Services and not accepting private practice clients