I'm a product designer & therapist in Oakland, CA


As a product designer with a decade of experience bridging technology and human-centered design, I bring a unique lens to solving complex problems. My journey has woven through consumer and B2B product design, culminating in a parallel path as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (153746) specializing in adolescent mental health.

My approach combines rigorous design methodology with deep psychological insights, allowing me to create products that don't just function, but truly resonate with human experiences. Whether designing digital interfaces or therapeutic interventions, I'm driven by a core belief: great design starts with genuine understanding of human needs.





Little Otter
Modern Health
Pandora / Sirius XM
Paperless Post

improving access & reducing dropoff



Modern Health


Redesign and reengineer the registration and onboarding process at Modern Health to optimize for speed, ease, and lack of errors.


increase in successful registrations within 1 week of launch


reduction in support tickets due to registration errors

As I reviewed our product's metrics alongside my PM partner, we noticed that there were many key opportunities in the onboarding flow to reduce dropoff, starting as early as the very first registration screen. Through closely inspecting our data and rigorous testing I was able to design a phased approach to update our onboarding flow and greatly increase one of our key OKRs, successful complete registrations.

visualizing the impact of care

Care Over Time


Little Otter


To increase MOUs and increase value for clients, I was tasked with creating a pathway for ongoing assessment by enabling routine repeat assessments and creating a space for parents to view a visualization of how their child's health has changed over time.


in MOUs


in customer satisfaction

*NOTE: exact metrics unknown

While all Little Otter members were required to take a thorough assessment during onboarding that let them know "when to worry" and signalled areas their child was succeeding as well as where they could focus during treatment, there was no way for clients to view how their child's health was changing over time as they participated in sessions and digital interventions. Through enabling routine re-assessments and creating visualizations of how a member's child's health changed over time, we hoped to increase engagement and ultimately increase monthly subscriptions to Little Otter while increasing client satisfaction and understanding of their child's mental health.

building from past learnings

Care over time at Modern Health

While at Modern Health, I worked on a similar project in which I created a "Well Being Report" that included a visualization of how a client's overall well-being changed over time. It was helpful to remember learnings from this project and to pull from previous clinical research and competitive analyses I had performed when creating the care summary for Little Otter.

access to support in the moment

Crisis Support


Modern Health


To create a simple, safe pathway to care for clients that endorsed the "suicidality question" in the PHQ-9 assessment at any point while using Modern Health.

To get a sense of how our clients are doing and determine which level of care is most appropriate for them, each Modern Health client routinely completes standard PHQ-9 and GAD-7 assessments. While not all of our clients are actively in therapy, we wanted to ensure that any member who endorsed the "suicidality" question in the PHQ-9 would be immediately directed to support without losing their place in the assessment or being derailed on their path to long-term care. I worked closely with our head of clinical care to design a safe and effective path for our members.

increasing options

Provider Preferences


Modern Health


To create a filter that allows members to find mental health providers that match preferences that are important to them without limiting the number of providers shown.

Rapport with one's provider is one of the key indicators of a successful therapeutic relationship, and research shows that for many this rapport is easiest to build with a provider that one feels can truly understand their needs. I was tasked with designing a feature that would allow members to filter providers based on preferences that were important to them while still showcasing the breadth and depth of providers available on the Modern Health platform.

an additional improvement

Decreasing time to care

As we were working on this project, we spotted an opportunity to address one of our highest member needs while increasing active members: adding a label and introducing smart sorting that would take availability into account alongside additional provider preferences.

a smooth experience for members and partners

Partner Onboarding


Little Otter


Create a new onboarding flow that will allow for seamless integration of new partners and reduce churn for members signing up with referral codes or links.

One of our big goals at Little Otter was to expand access to families through accepting new forms of insurance and working with partners who sponsored access for families with specific challenges. In order to make the onboarding process as easy as possible for these new members, we decided to create an optimized experience that reduced opportunities for dropoff.

a design system win

Seamless system updates

As I was refining the touchpoints for this project throughout the app, I was able to add new updated components to our design system to create a more polished and unified look and feel across our mobile and web applications. Because our team was small, we didn't have resources to pause projects to build out our design system all at once, so instead we made updates like the row styles seen here as we worked on high priority projects.